Saturday, March 28, 2009


The UNCERTAINITIES in life always take a toll over me.....I'm dumbstruck at the ways in which things & people change...Often when i think that I want to drift away, I'm pulled towards the very subject from whom I want to run away & at other times when I really want to be with someone, the person in question acts weird and indifferent......

Is it the rule that we don't get what we want?? Or when we want it??
I mean what's the use of getting food when you aren't hungry?
Or water, when you aren't thirsty??
We get "Hate", when we want love and the like. . . . .  .

Exasperated with one and all, I choose to write (type) what & how I feel before I end up blasting someone....It isn't that I'm always down and upset....Perhaps it's only when I feel this way, I decide to vent it all out through this medium....
I have my share of pleasant tihngs in life but when I'm really happy, I enjoy those moments and don't really keep a written record of them....

. . . . . . . . . .  .

Thought processes have come to a halt . . . . .  . .
I gotta end this right here.....abruptly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .:((

1 comment:

  1. beautifully expressed.....!!!!!! but can feel the pain at the same time.... :)
